Life is Sweet And Boobday Weekly Meme header shows marshmallow daisy placed on a naked nipple.

Welcome To Boobday

Boobday header image.

BoobDay is a weekly meme, a time for boob lovers everywhere to come together and celebrate.

My first memories of BoobDay were when it was hosted by the creator of the meme Hyacinth Jones. It was an integral part of her blog for many years before moving over to Violet Fawkes for a while. Next it made it’s way to Molly. Now, the Boobday meme has come to A Leap Of Faith. I hope that I can follow in the footsteps of the three passionate bloggers who went before me, and maintain Boobday as the weekly institution of all things boobs!

What is BoobDay?

Why change the perfect wording when attempting to answer this question? With the kind permission of Molly, I have used her words here.

BoobDay is a weekly meme in honour of chests and breasts of all shapes and sizes belonging to all types of folks.

This is a safe and inclusive space and everyone and anyone is welcome to participate in BoobDay. BoobDay is about celebration and support. ‘Boob’ is a term that is intended to be gender neutral and it includes the chests and breasts of all sorts of folks. BoobDay is not limited to cisgender women. Basically, if you want to celebrate the beauty of boobs and join in with like-minded, body-positive, people who are embracing their curves or lack thereof, this is the link-up for you!  

What should be in my Boobday post?

The meme is a celebration of boobs so the only mandatory element for your Boobday post is… Boobs! How you incorporate these into your post is up to you, be it a picture or story, poetry and even product reviews are all welcome. Not comfortable sharing your bare chest? No worries! You don’t need to. If sharing photography please ensure that the boobs either belong to you, or it’s a picture you have taken and have permission to share.

How do I join in with BoobDay?

So, you have some boobs (or thoughts on boobs) that you want to share? There are three different ways you can join in with the weekly celebration:

If you are a blogger:

  1. Make a blog post featuring a picture of your boobs. That might be anything from a flash of cleavage or glimpse down your shirt to full on naked boobage.
  2. Add the URL for your post into the current week’s BoobDay link tool that is published here on A Leap Of Faith each Friday.
  3. Include the BoobDay Badge (below) and ensure that it links back to this page or the current week’s post.
  4. Tweet about BoobDay with the #BoobDay hashtag and check out other participants work too, leaving a like and a comment when you can.

On social media:

  1. Post your Boobday image to your chosen platform and include the #Boobday hashtag in your post.
  2. Add the URL for your post into the current week’s BoobDay link tool that is published here on A Leap Of Faith each Friday.
  3. As you can’t add the Boobday badge to your post I ask that you also post the link to the BoobDay post from your account using the #BoobDay hashtag and comment on other BoobDay participants’ blog or social media posts when you can.

Guest Posting

  1. Send your Boobday image to thebarefootsub(at)gmail(dot)com. Please include any words you would like me to post with your image – this can be just a sentence or two. Also let me know the name you would like to be known by and any links to social media you would like me to include. Alternatively, if you’d like to remain anonymous then that is no problem either.
  2. Please only send images that you own the copyright to it. If I think that might not be the case I will not post it on my blog.
  3. I will try to post them the week after you send to me but I can’t guarantee that. Please ensure if they are time sensitive that you let me know.

When is the party?

Boobday has always been Friday which is a small window. Molly decided to keep the link up open from Friday to Thursday, and I’d like to keep it this way. Giving people the opportunity to link up on any day of the week, with multiple entries welcome!

I reserve the right to remove any links from Boobday that do not meet the ethos of the meme. Remember, this is a celebration of all things to do with breasts and chests, for all folks.

Can I link up with other memes?

Please do! We are certainly not exclusive here. So long as your post fits the ethos of BoobDay, by all means link across memes. The more the merrier.

The Badge

Please make sure your post contains the badge, either using the code below or by using the image. Make sure it links back to this page or the Boobday post for that week. You can either download the image and link it yourself or use the code below to embed it in your post. If you are using Twitter to take part please make sure you tweet the link up post or this page instead of using the badge.

Click here to find all of the BoobDay posts including the current link-up page.

boobday button
<div align="center"><a href="" rel="nofollow" title="Boobday Button" target="_blank"><img src="" alt="Boobday Button" style="border:none;" /></a></div>